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Get insider tips and best practices about the roofing, fencing, concrete, restoration, siding, excavation, painting, pool, and deck industries.

House framing with a focus on the roof

10 Different Roof Types

As a roofing contractor, it’s your job to provide relevant information that your customers need so they can choose which type of roof is best

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Man texting on his phone next to wood working tools

6 Business Texting Best Practices

Texting is the pinnacle of modern communication. It’s beating out email and phone calls for personal and business correspondence. Each day, more businesses are realizing

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House framing with a focus on the roof

10 Different Roof Types

As a roofing contractor, it’s your job to provide relevant information that your customers need so they can choose which type of roof is best

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Man texting on his phone next to wood working tools

6 Business Texting Best Practices

Texting is the pinnacle of modern communication. It’s beating out email and phone calls for personal and business correspondence. Each day, more businesses are realizing

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