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It’s Time to Buy Roofing Software

Roofer at job site home interior using roofing software on a tablet

Every aspect of our lives is touched by evolving technology. From our TVs to our cars, technology has brought an ease to our lives. So why not our businesses? There was a time when pen and paper was enough to get the job rolling, but with all the competition in roofing contracting, it’s obvious that adapting digital tools such as CRM (customer relationship management) and project management software can help you stand out from your competition. Roofing software such as JobNimbus can help your company be more organized, efficient, professional, and profitable by increasing visibility in the following areas:

  • Customer tracking
  • Job workflow
  • Team communication
  • Project management software
  • Payments

If you are still using pen and paper to manage your business, chances are that you’re losing leads, you’re not getting paid fast enough, your office is in disarray, and your reps appear unprofessional.

Does Your Business Need Roofing Software?

Here are 5 signs that your company needs roofing software.

1. Your team isn’t organized 

Losing leads and money because your team is not on the same page can be discouraging. While the whiteboard has become a staple in offices, it’s not enough to run an efficient company. The likelihood of mishandling contacts, schedules, and other essential information increases when an office relies solely on a whiteboard and a handful of Excel spreadsheets. Using software will allow your team to stay connected at all times.

“The idea of going paperless is that everything is in one single place that everyone can get access to . . . nothing falls through the cracks,” says Brad Hodson, JobNimbus Customer Experience Architect.

2. Your leads are falling through the cracks

Securing new leads is a challenge in itself and not one method is a win all. The first interaction of a potential customer is vital. According to IRC Sales Solutions, “an average of only 2% of sales are made during the first point of contact.” That’s a large margin of opportunity for your sales team. Maintaining new and existing contacts on paper, in file folders, or on a spreadsheet can leave your business vulnerable to lost leads. CRM software allows you to take control of your customer experience throughout the whole process. The tasks of tracking contacts and scheduling appointments is simply done through customized digital boards and workflows. Roofing software will help eliminate disorganization and the fear of losing leads.

3. You’re not getting paid fast enough

Nothing is more frustrating than not getting paid long after putting in hours of work. Not establishing a financial process can leave a company vulnerable to several mishandlings. From start to finish, an electronic system allows you to keep visibility of your business’s financial process. An effective operating system should include the following financial processes:

  • Estimates
  • Budget (create an accurate project budget that includes the cost of material, labor, expected profits, etc.)
  • Work orders
  • Material orders
  • Invoices
  • Payments

Taking control of your financial processes will ensure that every dollar is accounted for, and also help you as a business owner create accurate growth plans.

4. Your customers don’t trust your reps

Contractors can be perceived as unreliable and untrustworthy if an homeowner has had previous bad experience. 

When a field rep and crew arrive at a home, they should be prepared to represent your company. Homeowners create their own perception before the job begins just from the arrival time, attire, and even from the use of technology. 

“Customers expect you to be more digital,” says JobNimbus CEO Ben Hodson. 

Using roofing software on a tablet makes customers feel secure that their information will not be lost and the process is smooth and trustworthy. It will make your company look more professional.

5. Your office is in disarray 

There are several moving parts to running a roofing company. Trying to manage new leads, estimates, subcontractors, work orders, invoices, and payments with a paper system only leads to unnecessary clutter. 

Are you running out of office space? Can you see the top of your desk? Roofing software will eliminate the need for filing cabinets and make your office run more efficiently by combining all your processes. 

Integrations are also available to link a program like aerial measurements with EagleView to a job management software like JobNimbus, so you can easily see your whole production on your desktop and at the palm of your hands. 

With an all-in-one platform you can simply digitize all your documents, including contracts, estimates, and reports, housing everything in one place.


For a business and team to run effectively, a workflow needs to be put in place. CRM and project management software allows your team to visually see all the necessary stages of a company’s workflow from your leads and estimates to your project management and payments. Digital tools have allowed owners to manage and grow their businesses from anywhere.

JobNimbus exists simply to put business owners on the right track toward organization, efficiency, and ultimately, profit and growth. Discover how our roofing software can elevate your company by scheduling a live demo!

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