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15 Proven Strategies to Generate Commercial Roofing Leads in 2023

A marketing planning meeting to acquire more commercial roofing leads

Commercial roofing is highly competitive, and generating leads can be challenging for even the most seasoned professionals. However, in today’s digital age, you can give your roofing business a competitive edge with numerous strategies and tactics.

In this blog post, we’ll dive into 15 proven strategies that will help you generate commercial roofing leads in 2023. By following the tips in this blog, you’ll be well on your way to building a thriving roofing business with a steady stream of high-quality leads.

Let’s dig in!

Direct mail for generating commercial roofing leads
A trade show where roofers and commercial roofing leads mingle

Amplify Referral Potential

Referrals are crucial in the commercial roofing business. They not only bring in qualified leads but also contribute to your reputation, credibility, and long-term success in the industry. When satisfied clients refer your services to others, it signals their trust and confidence in your work.

You can maximize your referral marketing in several ways, such as:

  • Providing excellent customer service
  • Personalizing the experience
  • Offering special referral discounts or incentives
  • Asking for testimonials
  • Following up quickly

Referral marketing lets you tap into a reliable source of new business while nurturing existing relationships.

Optimize Your Website for SEO

To succeed in this competitive arena, your online presence must surpass the competition in your service area. You need a simple, well-designed website with local search engine optimization (SEO).

On your site, visitors should quickly understand your company and its services, enabling them to request an estimate or continue their search elsewhere.

Here’s a tip: if you’re targeting commercial roofing, create an entire service page about commercial roofing. You then want to write pages about each commercial roofing system you service.

Utilize Paid Advertising

Want a powerful way to quickly target commercial property owners at the top of the buying cycle? Paid advertising platforms, such as AdWords and Facebook Ads, can generate results in as little as a week.

Before you make your ads, you’ll need to conduct a keyword search. Look at pertinent terms and target markets to analyze which competitors are bidding for those keywords. For example, you might use some commercial-based roofing keywords like these:

  • commercial roof replacement
  • commercial roofing companies
  • [city] commercial roofing contractor
  • [city] commercial roofers

Remember to tailor your keyword selection to your target market and service area. You can identify the most relevant and effective keywords for your online advertising campaigns by conducting thorough keyword research.

Additionally, consider retargeting the people who land on your landing page. You can do this by installing a Facebook pixel. This tool will help you reach potential customers who have shown interest in your commercial roofing services.

Engage in Content Marketing

Content marketing involves providing valuable, educational content to your audience while conveying a compelling narrative. Leverage your expertise in your content to:

  • Address common questions
  • Rank your content
  • Provide valuable insights and guidance

Additionally, you can help your roofing company stand out in this competitive market by optimizing content for local searches. You can do this in a couple of ways:

  • Incorporating local keywords
  • Crafting content pertinent to your local area
  • Utilizing local directories to increase exposure

Attend Industry Events and Trade Shows

Participating in industry events and trade shows can help you form new business relationships, obtain leads, and raise company visibility.

To make the most of these events, bring business cards. Be prepared to provide expertise as a reliable advisor in the roofing industry. You might also look into acquiring a booth at a trade show.

Maximizing lead generation and conversion at trade shows requires a strategic approach. Identify your desired outcomes, schedule meetings ahead of time, establish a concise call to action, and staff the booth with the most appropriate personnel.

Limit promotional items, and most importantly, follow up promptly after the event. Remember, over 80% of the leads generated at trade shows aren’t pursued, so a strong follow-up can set your company apart.

Leverage Direct Mail Campaigns

According to the Direct Mail Association, direct mail campaigns have a remarkable response rate of 3.7%. The most essential factor to a successful direct mail campaign is the list.

By carefully curating a list of potential clients and crafting persuasive content, direct mail can be a highly effective strategy for generating high-quality leads for your commercial roofing business.

When planning your direct mail campaign, consider the factors that can influence its success. The quality of the mailing list, the design and content of the mailer, and the timing of the campaign can all contribute to its overall effectiveness.

By optimizing these elements, you can extend your marketing reach and generate more commercial leads for your roofing business.

Embrace Cold Calling and Direct Sales

Take a proactive lead-generating approach by using cold calling and direct sales strategies. By directly reaching out to potential clients, you can schedule meetings and establish connections that have the potential to unlock new business opportunities.

To streamline and organize your lead management process, leverage the power of CRM tools like JobNimbus. With JobNimbus, you can efficiently manage contacts, track your progress, and ensure no lead falls through the cracks.

In cold calling and direct sales efforts, it’s vital to target the right types of property owners—such as property managers, manufacturers, industrial buildings, and commercial property owners.

Through phone calls, emails, and social media outreach, you can effectively arrange meetings and build meaningful relationships with potential customers.

Master LinkedIn Lead Generation

LinkedIn is a powerful social media platform that you can leverage to maximize the impact of your commercial roofing business.

Although local engagement on LinkedIn may present challenges for roofing businesses, the platform still offers considerable potential for generating leads. To make the most of LinkedIn, create a sales page-like profile and connect with your target market.

Implement Employee Advocacy

Your employees can help you create a more personal connection with potential clients.

Promote them as the face of your company and link them to their areas of expertise. Including relevant keywords and connecting employees to their areas of specialization can also help improve your company’s visibility online.

By implementing employee advocacy, you’ll showcase your team’s expertise and build trust with potential customers, ultimately leading to more roofing leads.

Harness the Power of Your Google Business Profile

A Google Business Profile can be a valuable tool for commercial roofing contractors.

By leveraging the power of an optimized Google Business Profile, you can:

This holistic approach helps contractors increase online visibility, build credibility, and generate more high-quality leads for their commercial roofing business.

Show off Your Work on Instagram

With a projected user base of 125.5 million in the U.S. by 2023, Instagram is an excellent platform for showcasing your commercial roofing work. To expand your reach and gain more commercial roofing leads on Instagram, you should:

  • Post high-quality images and videos of your completed projects
  • Use effective hashtags related to commercial roofing and your local area
  • Engage with potential customers
  • Share valuable content

Learn from Your Competitors

By examining what works (and what doesn’t) for other commercial roofing companies, you can make informed decisions about how to enhance your marketing efforts and get more commercial roofing leads.

You’ve got to focus on understanding and surpassing your competition’s efforts to stay ahead in the market. Take the time to examine their websites, the keywords they target, and their content marketing strategies. Pay attention to their messaging, branding, and customer engagement techniques.

By learning from their strengths and weaknesses, you can gain valuable insights to help you develop a more efficient approach for your roofing company. Identify the strategies that are working well for your competitors and consider how you can adapt and improve upon them.

Additionally, identify areas where your competitors may fall short and capitalize on those opportunities.

Address Client Concerns

Understanding why potential clients decline your services is crucial for persuading them in the future. By addressing common problems, such as roof leaks, inadequate installation, and lack of maintenance, you can alleviate client concerns and increase the likelihood of securing their business.

To effectively address client concerns, avoid incorrect grammar, overly technical language, and inadequate explanations. Instead, provide clear, concise information that helps potential customers understand the benefits of your commercial roofing services.

Offer Reassurance Through Warranties and Guarantees

Addressing your potential clients’ concerns makes you more likely to secure their business.

Warranties and guarantees are a great way to assure potential clients. You can build trust with potential customers and minimize their fear of loss through feedback from past customers, online reviews, and word of mouth.

Providing warranties and guarantees not only demonstrates your commitment to quality work but also helps set your commercial roofing company apart from the competition.

Experiment with Calls-to-Action (CTAs)

Calls-to-action, or CTAs, encourage potential clients to engage with your commercial roofing business.

They should recognize where the customer is in their buying journey and display the value of your service.

The wording you put in your CTA matters. The right CTA can transform a static page into a highly effective lead-generation tool. By experimenting with different CTAs, you can discover which approaches resonate best with your commercial roofing leads.

Bring in More Commercial Roofing Leads

Generating commercial roofing leads in 2023 requires a multifaceted approach that includes everything from cold calling to optimizing your online presence.

By implementing these proven strategies, you’ll set your business on the path to success with commercial roofing leads.

If you’d like professional guidance on implementing these strategies and generating high-quality leads for your commercial roofing business, join our marketing boot camp now!

Commercial Roofing Leads FAQs

What is the profit margin for commercial roofing?

Business Hue estimates that the typical commercial roofing contractor has an average profit margin of 15%, although it can be higher with experience and a good reputation. Roofers who use JobNimbus tend to have a higher profit margin, somewhere between 21 and 50%.

With the right strategies, you can increase your profit margin and maximize your profits. For example, you can focus on providing quality services, building customer relationships, and streamlining operations with technology.

Roofing companies should aim to dedicate 5% of their total revenue to marketing if they want to remain competitive and see positive returns. It’s crucial to maintain an accurate budget that can adjust based on the need for growth; more spending may be necessary to acquire new customers.

You can promote your roofing business on Facebook by creating a professional profile, posting regular updates about your services, and actively engaging with your audience. Make sure to include visuals and videos that showcase your work.

Don’t forget about clear calls to action that invite users to contact you for more information or to book an appointment!

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