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Do You Need a CRM for Roofing Restoration?

Not much has changed in the world of roofing in the last few years. Honestly, as far as installing a roof, the pneumatic nailer is probably the biggest thing to come along in decades, and some folks still insist on hand nailing. Installing a roofing system is really, with a few exceptions, a cut and dried process. The question is, ‘how do roofing restoration contractors improve on a process that doesn’t need changed?’ The answer, really for anyone in the roofing restoration market, is in the back end processes. The money isn’t lost in installation anymore. With a distinct lack of moving parts, the labor on site is pretty much down to a science. The inefficiencies revolve around the office work required to effectively manage restoration jobs.

Getting Organized with CRM for Roofing Restoration

It isn’t enough to land a job and collect a check. In the last few years, there have been marked increases in the number of roofing damage related claims. The losses for the insurance companies are in the billions. As the losses increase, the scrutiny of the jobs and the claims is increasing as well. Without a simple, organized way to collect the information connected to the job, the potential for profit to be sneaking out the door increases with every closed project. What needs answered, is how to control the work a company does, so that they are able to reap the financial benefits. CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is becoming essential to the performance of any successful company. It allows businesses to track jobs from lead status to completion and beyond. The need to move toward a more organized way of tracking work leads to a host of options. There are CRM systems that reside on a local computer, but those aren’t much help when contractors are in the field. Some are “cloud based,” or hosted, solutions that allow the user to connect from anywhere there is internet access. Some are complex with integrations into various accounting programs, some have CAD drawing programs, maps, and all sorts of software integration features, while others are simple straight forward solutions. When considering a CRM for roofing restoration, here are 4 things that any company should consider:

  • Ease of Use – How technologically savvy are the people in the company? Employees that can surf the internet don’t always understand technology. If the product isn’t intuitive, the adoption rate will be much lower.
  • Scalability – If a company has plans to grow, can the software grow with them?
  • Support – Is there such thing as too much support? Yes, if a company constantly needs it to understand or navigate the system, they may be in over their heads.
  • Current Business Process – If a software/service choice forces a company to completely change the way they run their business, it could be the wrong choice. Finding a solution that allows the company it serves to remain the expert, while enhancing their processes will best serve the bottom line.

Choosing the right CRM for roofing restoration from the beginning is essential. Finding one that fits individual needs can change companies for the better. JobNimbus is a simple CRM that allows contractors (roofing and otherwise) to track leads, set up jobs, store and share job information, and organize daily work with simple button clicks. The intuitive interface ensures company-wide adoption. That means more money to the bottom line as companies organize their daily roofing restoration activities.

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