Sales Reports That Help Contractors Win Customers

This blog post covers our old sales reports. Since our product is always evolving, this information is now outdated. For more information about the current sales reports in JobNimbus, check out this guide to JobNimbus Insights.

In this article of our Reporting Metrics series, we’ll take you through three essential sales reports for contractors that JobNimbus Co-founder Ben Hodson recommends to all our customers.

“Knowing your sales numbers can be fairly easy for your first few contracting jobs, but it gets more complicated quickly as you add additional team members, customers, and services. That’s when it can be easy to lose visibility on what is going on with your sales team and workflow, and yet, for sustained growth, it’s also when you need that visibility the most.”

With these reports, you’ll have greater visibility on what’s going on with your sales team and the goals you’re trying to achieve.

Why Visibility on Sales Numbers Matters

Still, in your busy day running your contractor business, it can feel overwhelming at first to think of also fitting in consistent sales reporting. Don’t worry. This is all really straightforward in JobNimbus.Not a customer but want to give it a try? Get the 14-day free trial here. Because our software is both a project management and CRM tool, it’s just a matter of displaying the data you already have in a few different ways: Lead SourceSales Pipeline + Close Rates Per Sales Person, and Tracking Commissions. It’s easier than it might sound! Let’s jump in.

1. How to Run a Lead Source Report

Understand where your leads come from in the context of other key information, like dates of the year.RUN THE REPORT:

  1. Select Reports – Sales Lead Source.
  2. Use the two filters and Current Status checkbox at the top of the report to customize the information. Note: Filters are simply drop-downs at the top of the Reports screen that allow you to narrow down your report to a more specific type of information. 
  3. Scroll down and click the arrows for additional detail on the information.

For more help with this report, check out our related Help article or the following video:

2. How to Run a Report for Your Sales Pipeline + Close Rates Per Sales Person

Keep an eye on your sales team’s close rates as well as their expected revenue for each lead in the sales pipeline, and more. RUN THE REPORT:

  1. Select Reports – Sales Pipeline.
  2. Use the three drop-down filters at the top of the report to customize your information (Location, Amount Field, and Date Range).
  3. Notice the Sold Rates on the right. These represent the Close Rates for each of your salespeople.

You can also scroll down on this report and click the arrows for additional detail. Also, notice the Current Status checkbox at the very top. Toggle this off to see historic data, or leave it checked to see data based on the current status of your customers and jobs. For more help with this report, check out our Help Resource for this report or the following video:

3. How to Run a Tracking Commissions Report

Get a quick view of sales commissions by team member for a certain date range. RUN THE REPORT:

  1. First, be sure you have commissions entered to different Customer records. Go to a Customer, then the Financials tab. For each project budget, be sure to enter the commission amount and other details.
  2. Go to Reports – My Saved Reports – Paid Sales Commissions.

We also have a video and Help Article for how to track sales commissions:

And There’s More! Additional Reports for Contractors

Sales reports are just one type our team suggests for elevating your contracting business. As mentioned, this is part of an ongoing series, so we’ll be adding additional links below. In the meantime, please check out our custom training options for your business. We’ve helped thousands of businesses like yours reach and exceed their goals.

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