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Introducing JobNimbus Insights: Our New Reporting Feature

Laptop with bar graphs and pie charts for reports

JobNimbus Insights is your new go-to reporting tool!

Now announcing a new reporting feature in JobNimbus: Insights. JobNimbus Insights is a new set of dashboards that summarizes your data and gives you the freedom to drill down on your most important metrics. You can find business growth opportunities at a glance without manually crunching numbers.

With the initial launch, JobNimbus Insights focuses on the sales portion of your business. Insights lets you get accurate, fast reports about:

  • Lead flow: See how many leads are entering your system
  • Lead mix: Find out where your leads are coming from
  • Lead, close rate, sales volume (by sales rep): Get a 360° view of how each sales rep is performing
  • Lead, close rate, sales volume (by lead source): Discover which of your lead sources yields the best results
  • Lead, close rate, sales volume (by job type): Learn which type of job contributes the most to your success

Filtering one report here will also filter data for all the other reports on the page.

Man creating reports on a laptop
Business reports on paper with a magnifying glass

Why Do You Need Effective Reporting?

Make Data-driven Decisions

The best way to make choices about your company is by looking at the numbers. Gut feelings can’t tell you what is and isn’t working.

With an excellent reporting feature like JobNimbus Insights, you can see things like never before, so you can make the best business decisions possible. Empower your team with data and take action with confidence.

Optimize Your Leads & Workflow

Contractors are all worried about the same thing: getting and closing more leads.

You can boost your lead-to-close rate by pinpointing your most lucrative lead sources on the Insights dashboards. Once you know your best-performing channels, you can focus your efforts in the right place.

Get Business Transparency

Where are you losing deals? Which sales reps are consistently not closing? Get transparency and visibility into your company with up-to-date information from each day.

Reports will help you know where to make adjustments. And those adjustments will help you improve cash flow and turn leads into paying customers.

Improve Accountability

Insights lets you see how your team members are doing individually. If someone isn’t meeting their numbers, you’ll know which part of the process they’re struggling with.

And when you sit down with them to assess their performance, you can pull out those numbers as evidence of their quality of work. Coaching is much more effective when you have hard facts to rely on. Alternatively, reports will also help you identify your all-stars, so you can give them the recognition they deserve.

Drive Success & Sustainability with Insights

Reporting helps drive financial success, enables critical decision-making, enhances workflows, and improves transparency. We can’t wait for you to see these benefits in your own business once you start using Insights.

Are you ready to manage your team, pipeline, and cash flow better? Try out Insights in your JobNimbus account today! Already have Insights? Check out our free course on how to optimize JobNimbus Insights.

Laptop open with JobNimbus Boards showing different steps of a contractor's process

Grow your business

JobNimbus is more than software—it’s a true growth accelerator. Boost efficiency and maximize profit with the simple, all-in-one tool.

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