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How to Stand Out from Your Roofing Competition

Roofing is a competitive industry, with employment rates projected to grow at a fast rate of 12% from 2018 to 2028. This rate is much higher than the average growth rate for all occupations, which sits at just 5%. With over 160,000 roofers working in the U.S., as a roofing business owner, it’s essential for your business to stand out from the rest of the crowd. Competing with other roofing businesses requires a lot of hard work and persistence, but with CRM software, you can work smarter and outshine your competition in several ways. Here are three ways you can stand out from your roofing competition:

1) Market Your Roofing Business Well

Good marketing is one of the most effective and inexpensive ways to get customers and set your business apart from others. CRM software can also help you form marketing strategies by tracking which marketing efforts are gathering leads. Additionally, it can automate emails, store customer records, and segment prospects and customers to generate specific marketing messages. Marketing via your social media and business website allows you to set an online presence that is unique from others. By developing your brand online, it’s the perfect opportunity to differentiate your company from others and stand out from the competition.

2) Keep In Touch with Customers

As a business owner, you’re always looking for ways to have the upper hand over your competitors. One of the easiest things you can do is keep in touch with your customers and treat them specially. Building a strong and personal relationship with your customers is crucial for the long-term success of your business. CRM software will let you keep in touch with your customers easily. You can use CRM to track conversations so you remember everything you previously talked about and personalize interactions. Showing your customers your gratitude goes a long way for exceeding business standards. You can also use CRM to communicate back and forth and quickly solve any issues. Doing so improves customer experience and builds loyalty so you can stand out from your roofing competition.

3) Hire Talented, Long-Term Workers

Overall, your customers care most about quality results. With a talented crew, you can set the bar for excellence that other roofing businesses will have to strive to beat. No formal education is required to become a roofer, but you can always look out for applicants that have graduated from trade school roofing programs or even take on your own apprentice. Sales backgrounds are also great when considering who to put on your team. It’s important to take leadership and management courses to eliminate competition and work your way to the top. Be sure to implement your CRM software with all team members. This will make communication easier for everyone, and a crew that communicates the best will be able to provide the best results.

Whether you’re just starting out or already have an established roofing business, it’s impossible not to have any competition. But by marketing your roofing business well, keeping in touch with your customers, and hiring a talented crew, you can put yourself far ahead of others and grow your business. At JobNimbus, we can help your business accomplish what other roofing businesses can’t. Stand out from your competition and see how our CRM empowers your business for happier customers and long-term success.

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