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6 Roofing Industry Trends for 2023

Laptop that says trends on a roofing website

The new year is the perfect time to look at your business model, new products, and roofing industry trends. With valuable stats and background knowledge, you can steer your company in the right direction.

Weโ€™ve found several trends as we look forward to what 2023 holds for roofers. Whether you specialize inย roofing installation or restoration, these trends can guide your business decisions to achieve your new yearโ€™s goals.

Here are 6 roofing trends that we anticipate seeing in 2023.

blue colonial house with gray shingles
Red and black metal roofing sheets

1. More Roofing Projects

The roofing industry isnโ€™t slowing down. The truth is that roofing is growing. Fast.

During the past few years, home construction has exploded. Although some roofers donโ€™t work on new construction projects, the emerging number of new homes also means more roofs to maintain. In fact, experts expect the roofing industry to have a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.8% from 2023 to 2028.

2. Extended Supply Chain Issues

Between increasing material costs and a labor shortage, supply chain issues have become the new norm. Unfortunately, this problem will continue this year. Suppliers and manufacturers are still catching up to meet demands, which will affect how roofing contractors can take on projects.

To get the materials you need for your roofing business, the Better Business Bureau suggests communicating more with your supply network or connecting with new suppliers.

3. Consistent Major Roofing Regions

Some things donโ€™t change much, which will likely be the case for the most common roofing regions this year. As with 2021, the states that will employ the most roofers are forecasted to be:

  • California
  • Texas
  • Florida
  • New York
  • Illinois

Curious about how much roofers make in each of these states? Check out our roofing salary guide.

4. Increased Metal Roof Popularity

Metal roofing has been around for centuries, but itโ€™s predicted to become even more common in 2023. Metalโ€™s durability and aesthetic look attract both homeowners and commercial building owners.

This year, more customers will turn to metal roofs, but supply chain problems might hinder metalโ€™s growth.

5. More Solar Panels

With inflation and rumors of a recession running through peopleโ€™s minds, Americans are looking for a way to save money.

This money-saving mindset will lead many to install solar panels to lower energy costs. The government is also making it more affordable to get solar panels, which should increase solar panel installations in 2023.

Want to get in on the rise of solar? Check out this beginnerโ€™s guide to selling solar panels.

6. Lighter Roof Colors

Lighter is better this year.

Light roof colors like pale blue, muted gray, beige, and white keep a building cooler during hot months, which is another way for homeowners to keep energy costs down. Because of this, light-colored roofing materials should have a strong presence in 2023.

Get Ahead in 2023

We want to help your roofing business start the new year on the right foot. With these six trends in mind, youโ€™ll be one step ahead of your competition.

What 2023 roofing trends are you seeing so far? Let us know in the comments below!

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