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The Misadventures of a Roofing Sales Rep and the Elusive Check

Check Blowing In The Wind on a Street

Being a roofing sales rep has its fair share of challenges, but sometimes life throws unexpected obstacles your way.

This is the story of one particularly unfortunate sales rep who, against all odds, managed to lose the same check not once, not twice, but three times.

Join us on this rollercoaster journey as we recount the misadventures of our protagonist and the elusive check.

Chapter 1: The Great Wind Escape

Our tale begins on a sunny Wednesday afternoon as the determined sales rep, John, drove to collect a paper check from homeowners Mr. & Mrs. Anderson for the 50% down payment of his roofing job.

John had been trying to chase down this particular check for 3 months, due to competing schedules and several no-shows from the Andersons.

Thinking he was on a lucky streak today, John happily picked up the down payment check he’d so coveted for months and started out on his way to celebrate with lunch.

It was a beautiful day, and John rolled down his car window to take in the fresh air. Unbeknownst to him, a gust of wind blew through the open window, snatching the check from the passenger seat.

Panic ensued as he watched helplessly while the check danced away into the distance, a symbolic representation of his troubles.

Chapter 2: The Forgotten Feast

Undeterred by the wind’s betrayal, John scheduled a second meeting with Mr. Anderson to receive another check.

This time, they decided to meet at a local restaurant, hoping for a more secure environment. As the two engaged in friendly conversation over a meal, the check lay innocently on the table.

However, their lively conversation managed to distract John, causing him to forget the existence of the check entirely. It was only later, when he reached his car, that the realization struck him like a ton of bricks.

The check was left behind, waiting patiently at the deserted table.

Chapter 3: The Shredder Saga

Determined to break free from this relentless cycle of misfortune, John arranged yet another meeting, this time with Mrs. Anderson at their home again.

John was able to secure the check, promptly stuffing it in his pocket to prevent another breezy situation. He then proceeded to the office where it would be handed to Noel, the office manager in charge of depositing checks.

Walking the check through the hallway, John began to feel a sense of relief. Unfortunately, fate had other plans.

As he placed the check on a nearby table, the unimaginable occurred. A mischievous coworker, unaware of John’s plight, mistook the check for a piece of scrap paper and fed it into the hungry jaws of a nearby paper shredder.

Horror washed over John as he witnessed the shredded remains of the check emerge from the machine.

It seemed as though the universe conspired against him.

Chapter 4: The Digital Hero

John had had enough.

He heard from a friend that JobNimbus offered digital payment collection for contractors to streamline their cash flow while never having to collect (or lose, three times) a paper check ever again.

He called up JobNimbus and spoke with an advisor who helped him get his company set up to start collecting payments within minutes of applying.

That very same day, John sent a text-to-pay message to the Andersons and within 2 minutes had the 50% down payment paid!

The materials for the job were funded, a delivery date was available, the crew could be scheduled, and the job was ready to move on.

And poor John was poor no more.

Don't be like John. See JobNimbus Payments in action today.

John’s clearly doing things the hard way, but you don’t have to. With JobNimbus Payments, you can collect credit/debit cards and ACH/e-Check payments via mobile app, text message, or email, and you can be up-and-running within minutes.

Table of Contents

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