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Peak Performance 2024: Insights to Take Roofers to the Top

Peak Performance 2024 Roofing Industry Report open pages

Imagine that you get to talk to some of the top roofers in the United States. They have over $4 million in annual revenue, an average five-star review rating, and a profit margin that most roofers only dream about.

What would you ask them about?

You’d want to learn the secrets to their success, wouldn’t you? After all, you could pick their brain for tried-and-true methods that you could use to launch your roofing business to the next level.

At JobNimbus, we surveyed hundreds of roofers across the country to discover the methods and strategies that top-performing roofers use to reach peak performance. We’ve compiled it all for you in our highly anticipated second-annual report, Peak Performance: 2024 Roofing Industry Benchmarks for Success.

Straight from the mouths of roofers, this report offers strategic guidance across eight crucial business areas. With over 40 data points, insights from industry experts, and actionable strategies, it’s a roadmap for elevating your roofing business to new heights.

Today, I’m sharing a sneak peek into some of our findings, but this is just the beginning.

For free access to the full 96-page report—including data from homeowners—download Peak Performance 2024 and unlock the secrets to your 2024 success.

Get Our 2024 Peak Performance Report

Unlock all the roofing industry details to help you get ahead of the game in 2024.

Peak Performance 2024 Roofing Industry Report open pages

8 Categories for Roofing Success in 2024


Our most recent survey found residential retail is still the most popular roofing sector for the second year in a row. Commercial insurance work is the least common.

If you want less competition for your business, look into the insurance sector since fewer roofers offer insurance services.

Roofing services survey results


Word-of-mouth marketing turns one customer into many. When a homeowner has a good experience with your roofing company, you have no idea how many people they’ll talk to about it.

And those referrals are golden customers—they’re 3–5 times more likely to work with your company than other leads are.

High-profitability companies have cracked the code of word-of-mouth marketing and are using it to bring in most of their leads. In fact, 49% of roofing companies get more than half of their leads from word of mouth.

Roofing marketing survey results


It’s a common practice to provide proposals for your roofing projects. But how you share those proposals can impact your sales.

In our survey, we found that 83% of high-profitability companies are presenting their proposals in person.

When you present proposals in person, it gives you more opportunities to upsell and work through objections.

Roofing sales survey results


How long does it take your roofing company to take a lead from the beginning to the end of a project? Five-star-rated roofing companies don’t always get the job done faster.

Our survey revealed that five-star roofing businesses are more likely to take between one and three months to move a lead through their production workflow.

You don’t have to get a job done fast to earn those five-star reviews, but you do have to set accurate expectations and communicate clearly.

Roofing production survey results

Cash Flow

Nowadays, you have a wide variety of payment options for just about anything. But how much of that is the roofing industry seeing?

According to our research, high-revenue roofing companies are accepting more payment types to accommodate more customers.

If you want more revenue, you need more ways to accept payments. Meet your customers where they’re at to reduce friction and improve your profits.

Roofing cash flow survey results


Every roofing project requires some sort of follow-up. But how you follow up varies across the industry.

In our survey, companies with five-star ratings reach out to customers via phone call, email, and text more than companies with lower ratings. Why?

Everyone wants to hear from you in different ways. Ask each homeowner how they’d prefer to communicate with you and empower your team to communicate accordingly.

Roofing communication survey results

Team & Culture

As our CEO Ben Hodson has said, “Being short on staff is a huge problem for roofing companies now.”

Staffing problems, in part, come from a skilled labor shortage, a retiring workforce, fewer young employees, and an uncertain economy. (You can learn more about why there’s a shortage and how to hire in a talent shortage in our blog post.)

With that in mind, what roles are roofing companies looking to fill the most in 2024? The answer: sales representatives.

If your company is one of the many trying to hire new sales reps this year, be prepared to face more competition.

Roofing team and culture survey results

Future Outlook

Roofing professionals have some opinions about where the industry is going this year.

Some are positive, others are negative, but there’s a common thread through all of them: concern.

Roofing future outlook survey results

From local weather patterns to large-scale wars and inflation, roofing professionals have a lot to contend with to succeed.

But there are some things you can do to mitigate and even avoid these types of problems.

Jumpstart Your 2024 Success

Arming yourself with the data you need to make roofing decisions is the first step to getting ahead. If you want to dive deeper into these eight essential areas and discover actionable insights, download our full Peak Performance report for free today.

For further Peak Performance insights, join our live panel to hear Ben Hodson, Jim Ahlin, and Cason Curriden weigh in on where the industry is headed and how to succeed.

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