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How To: Set Up Workflow Automation

Nothing’s better than being able to cut some unnecessary repetition out of your day, right?

Last week we went over how to customize your workflow in JobNimbus. Today, we’ll be going over how to automate that workflow to make it even easier to get things done in less time.

Let’s say you add a new customer into JobNimbus and the next step of your process is to give them a call back. Instead of creating a new task called “Call Back” and assigning it to the right person, JobNimbus can automatically create a new task with the right assignation at the moment you set a contact in JobNimbus to “New” status (or any other relevant status you like).

Best of all, setting up workflow automation is quick and easy, and can be edited at any time.

Getting Started with Workflow Automation

Workflow Automation is easy to set up and edit. You can access Automation settings from the Account Settings option in the upper right hand menu.

In Account Settings, choose Automation tab.

NOTE: This feature is currently being offered as a beta. That means that it’s new and there may be a few kinks that we still need to work out before it goes prime-time. We encourage you to try it and provide us with any feedback you have.

From this tab, you have the ability to add, edit, and delete Rules for automation.

Adding a Rule

To add a new rule, click Add Rule.

You’ll see the following popup to Add Workflow Rule. Here you can name the rule, choose when the rule applies, what conditions will trigger the rule, and what actions will be performed when triggered.

We’ll name this new rule “Call Back”.

Next, you’ll want to set when this rule applies. You can choose from the following options:

When a
– Job
– Contact
– Task

– Created
– Modified
– Created or Modified
– Deleted

Since we are creating a rule to call back when a new contact is created, we’ll set the following:

Setting Conditions

Now we’ll need to set the conditions (or the triggers) that will initiate this rule. To do that, we’ll click Add Condition.

You’ll get a popup where you can set the following:

– Status
– Type

– is equal to
– is not equal to

The last dropdown menu is where your account statuses and types are listed. You can choose one type for this Condition. However, you can set multiple types and statuses in separate Conditions for the same rule.

For this rule, we’ll set the condition to:

The check box, “Only if [Type/Status] is modified.” is to signify if you would like this condition to apply only if a status or type is being modified, instead of created. If you check this box, this condition will not apply to new items that are created with the corresponding status of the Condition.

Click Save.

You will now see your Condition(s) on the Add Workflow Rule popup.

You’ll also see two radio buttons:

– Require all conditions to be true
– Require any conditions to be true

This corresponds to the idea mentioned above that you can have more than one Condition per Rule. Here, you can choose if you want all Conditions to be met before triggering the Action, or if you just want any one of them to trigger the Action.

We’ll leave it at Require all conditions to be true.

Setting Actions: Tasks and Notifications

With the conditions set, it’s time to set your Actions. Click Add Action.

You’ll see the Action dialogue appear where you’ll have the option to Create a Task or Send a Notification.

Create a Task

To include the action to create a task, select the option from the dropdown menu and click Continue.

You’ll see an Add Task dialogue where you can fill in the details of the task you wish to create. For this Rule, I’ve filled in the following:

Click Save.

Send a Notification

To send a notification when the rule is triggered, select the option from the dropdown menu and click Continue.

A popup will appear with options to choose an Email Template, write a Subject line, and select the users who will be the Recipients.

Once you have filled in the right information, click Save.

Saving and Starting Your Rule

Now that you’ve filled out all the details for your new rule, click Save to finish and initialize your rule. It will start working immediately and will run until you edit or delete it.

If you still need help setting up a rule for your workflow automation or if you’re unsure how to set up a specific rule, leave a comment below or send us an email to

You can find more tutorials on other powerful features of JobNimbus here. Now go ahead and start automating your workflow!

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