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How to Send and Receive Email with JobNimbus

Any CRM that’s worth its weight has to provide you the tools to manage your customer relationships.

A big part of customer relationships these days is the communication we have over email. Your email account has become an archive full of customer interactions.

The problem is, email services were never made to manage relationships, so all those interactions are just broken links to nowhere.

That’s where sending and receiving emails through JobNimbus allows you to manage communication and relationships.

Overview of JobNimbus Email Integration

The JobNimbus email integration allows you the flexibility to send email directly from JobNimbus or to use your favorite email provider/app. Whether you use Outlook, Gmail, Yahoo! Mail, iCloud or Mac Mail, your emails will be uploaded and attached to the contact record in JobNimbus automatically.

Sending Email

Email can be sent directly from JobNimbus using the Add Note feature across the app. Let’s go to a contact record to see how it works.

In JobNimbus while looking at a contact, use the action menu gear icon or click the Add Note button on the Contact Activity grid.

The Add Note popup will appear allowing you to select a note type and add a note. In the Note field, you can write whatever you would like for the email text.

Set the note type to Email and check the box at the bottom of the popup for Send Email.

New options will appear for you to enter an email Subject and to select the recipients. You can send this email to the Sales Rep, Owners, Related Contacts, or other Contacts you have in JobNimbus.

You can also click the Attachments link to upload photos or documents to your email.

When you’re finished, click Add Note at the bottom. This note will be saved to the contact record and sent to the selected recipients via email immediately.

You can also send an email directly from the mobile app by going to the contact and pushing the email icon on the bottom right corner of the page:

Sending Email from Email Provider into JobNimbus

If you would like to send email using your favorite email service, the process is simple. All you need is your JobNimbus assigned email address.

To find the address, go to your Account Settings at the top right, then choose the tab labeled Email.

Here you’ll find two items. The first is your JobNimbus assigned email address. Just add this address to the CC or BCC fields when you send an email from outside of JobNimbus and this email will be uploaded and filed with the correct contact record automatically when you’ve sent it.

The second item is the email address you would like to set as the reply-to address, or where you would like any replies to the emails you send from JobNimbus.

Receiving Email

Replies to any email that you send from JobNimbus or from your email provider using your JobNimbus email will be pulled in automatically into JobNimbus and attached directly to the contact record of the sender.

No need to search for the right email from a client. Just go to their contact record in JobNimbus and you’ll find the note in their Contact Activity feed.

We try to make managing your contact relationships as simple as possible, working the way you want to. With email integration, you get flexibility and efficiency while being able to stay on top of your customer communications.

Sending and receiving emails in JobNimbus is as simple as doing what you’ve always done. If you happen to need any assistance, contact us at at any time.

2 Responses

  1. I received a phishing email from your server with a html attachment. Is there a way that you can ban such accounts?

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