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Give Your CRM Software a Big K.I.S.S.

It’s never too late to start a New Year’s Resolution, or to give up something for Lent. You owe it to yourself to do something nice for yourself. How about making your life easier?

That can mean all sorts of things, right? Freeing up time, cleaning up your office, making more money, organizing your jobs, or moving into the technology age are all great ways to make things run smoother and are all things that can be done from the right CRM software.

Easy CRM Software = Easier Life

Let’s have a serious conversation here, one of those ones where we sit down in a booth in a restaurant and have an open and honest conversation. We both know that there is no good reason you are resisting the whole technology thing. You are a little scared, and that is okay. We all are.

You may be scared to make the jump from your white board or Excel spreadsheets, or you may have already tried to make the jump and bitten off more than you can chew. I understand, I feel the same way.

What we need to do is take it slow. First, understand that you aren’t the only one that is struggling, we all are. You have joined the fraternal order of the procrastinators. Not because you’re lazy, and not even because you are not smart enough to figure out the technology, but because you need to drag a whole staff, kicking and screaming, right along with you.

There is no reason to insult ourselves and assume that the best we can do is check out email and filter out medical enhancements or diet fads. You are part of a group that is ALMOST ready to move forward and do something to make your work life better. The good news is there is help. Consider these things as you move forward in your quest to make 2013 a great year.

  • Find a CRM that is SIMPLE. You want your life to be simple, so make it simple. If you need to make a note in a customer file, it shouldn’t get harder than scribbling something on a sheet of paper, and scribbling something on a calendar. In fact, it should get easier.
  • Find CRM software that’s in the “Cloud”. You need to be able to access your information from anywhere at any time. If your CRM is accessible on the Internet, you’ll be in a much better position to move things forward, wherever you are. Believe me, there is nothing like being able to check information from the comfort of a local coffee shop, with a warm beverage in your hands.
  • Find an easily customizable CRM. You aren’t looking to buy into a program that makes you restructure your company; that’s the last thing that will invite Zen into your day. All you’re looking to do is transfer the way you do business now, into a format that makes it faster and simpler. Having to hire someone just to manage your new system is not what you are looking for.
  • Find a CRM that supports you. Who is looking to add a College level course to their life to help figure out a piece of software? If you’re going to invest in something that is supposed to make your life easier, look for a company that supports you in that effort. You shouldn’t have to pay for a new system, then pay for someone to configure it for you, pay someone to train your staff, and then pay for someone to maintain the system for you… Not a good way to relieve stress on you or your wallet.
  • Find innovative CRM software. Innovative doesn’t mean to add another level of complexity to the process, it means that you align yourself with a product, company, and people that understand your pain and that can react to your problems. You are looking for an organization and product that take your suggestions to improve things, and turn out a great product that remains true to the principals that attracted you to the product in the first place.

The key to success, whether you are struggling with the system you already have, or are introducing a new one is to use the K.I.S.S. principal. For those that don’t know, it means ‘Keep It Simple, Stupid’. If you are in Construction, Home Health Care, Sales, Car Repair, a Lawyer, or any company that has a need to interact with your customers more effectively, you need to do it simply, affordably, and effectively. Talk to us. JobNimbus can help.

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