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Feature Updates: Days In Status, Automation, More

With this update, we’re bringing you brand new ways to keep track of your jobs and make sure they’re moving through your pipeline.

Not only have we brought new visuals to help guide you through your jobs list, but we’ve also brought in more automation options for you to run in the background in order to keep forward momentum in your sales and production pipelines.


Days In Status
This feature is going to change the way you run your business. Now when you look at your boards, you’ll see a nice big number on each card letting you know how many days the Contact, Job, or Work Order has been in that status. Right away you’ll be able to detect which jobs are falling behind or going stale and you’ll be able to jump on them to make sure they don’t fall through the cracks. You’ll also be able to see this number on the Contact/Job/Work Order Details page and in a column in your reports. What’s more, you could now use this for easier tracking of warranties, just having these jobs in a warranty status and then archiving them when they reach their expiration date. Pretty cool, huh?

New Automation Action: Change Status (Parent Record)
This is killer. Now, after you’ve set up your triggers and conditions, you have a new action beyond just creating a task or sending an email. Now you can actually change the status of the job automatically.

Imagine being able to mark a “Schedule Appointment” task as complete and have that be the trigger for the status of the job to “Appointment Set”.

Just imagine how much time this will save you, not to mention how it will help make sure you’re statuses are always accurate.

New Automation Triggers: Work Orders, Material Orders, Attachments, Activity
Now you can base your automation triggers on Work Orders, Material Orders, and Attachments. You can even couple it with the new Change Status action. Say, for instance, that you always add your Contract to the job. You can set an automation rule to change the status of the job when you create/upload your contract into the job. Pretty cool.

New Automation Conditions: Sales Rep, Custom Fields, Location
Also in automation, we added new conditions for Sales Rep, Custom Fields, and Locations. After you set your trigger, you can add these conditions to make sure it only fires for those certain triggers that match the conditions.

For example, if you want your Sales Rep to get an email every time a job is created that has a custom field for “Estimated Value” that is greater than $10,000. You can now get that done with these new conditions.

Subcontractor Email Notifications
Now, every time you assign a Work Order to a subcontractor, they’ll receive an email with more Work Order details along with a PDF of the same Work Order. No more double-emails, no more repetition, just straight to the point and off to work.

Location Shortcodes
You can now set a shortcode for your locations, which can be included in your Contact/Job Numbers.


Huge QuickBooks Improvements
The greater part of the last few months has been dedicated to making QuickBooks handle a lot more cases and remain a stalwart member of your team.

Search Improvements
We’ve improved search results for exact matches and by focusing the search parameters. You should see better, more relevant results from here on out.

Team Member Work Order Notifications
We’ve improved the notifications that were sent out to team members by updating the subject line and body.

Some other improvements:

  • Added Contact/Job link to EagleView notification emails so it’s easier for you to get to the job when the order comes in
  • You can now change your own email address when needed. Please try to keep it professional (no addresses…)
  • Updated help text for Google Calendar Sync and Template Questions so they make more sense.
  • Taxes now support up to 4 decimal places
  • We added Tasks Completed to the Team Activity Report. Which is good, because completing tasks is a pretty active thing.
  • We also added a Source column to the Activity Report.
  • We’ve added the page count and thumbnails for attachments brought in from naturalForms.


  • Fixed an issue preventing Products & Services from displaying more than 9,999 products or services. Add as many as you’d like!
  • We removed a little bit of ’90s from the header by taking away the drop shadow. Nostalgia is great, but the future is better.
  • We took out the “Sync with QuickBooks” checkboxes from the Work Order workflows tab because… QuickBooks doesn’t have Work Orders to sync with.
  • Reports were showing duplicates when they shouldn’t have. Now they aren’t.
  • We fixed an issue where changes to old Google Calendar events would bring previously removed/completed tasks back into JobNimbus as new events.
  • There was an issue where some budgets wouldn’t base their amount on the chosen estimate. Now that issue knows what’s good for itself.
  • Pipeline report graphs were sometimes certifiably incorrect. We got them to a psychiatrist and got them on track and assimilated back into society.
  • There were some issues with the “Private” feature. The fixes are none of your business.
  • Many more little fixes, tweaks, improvements, and additions…

As always, these features are available now in your account at no additional charge, no downloads required. Just hop in and start being more productive!

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