5 Roofing Direct Mail Strategies

mailbox full of mail

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In today’s digital-focused world, snail mail might seem like an outdated form of marketing. However, direct mail is still an effective way to advertise your roofing business and find new customers.

These days, many of us delete advertising emails without even reading them—this is especially true for younger generations. While you might think direct mail might work better for older generations, direct mail marketing efforts can be quite effective for younger audiences.

According to a USPS report, 33% of millennials use online ad blockers. However, 88% of millennials look through their physical mail and often read through it carefully before discarding it. Additionally, 59% said the information they get by mail is more valuable than information received via email.

Yep, that’s right. You might have a better chance of reaching potential millenial customers through their physical mailbox than their email inbox.

Another 65% of millennials say they pay attention to direct mail advertising! With a homeownership rate of 54.8% among millennials, you have good odds of finding millennial customers who need roof services.

In this blog post, we’ll explore what roofing direct mail is and how you can integrate it into your marketing strategy.

What Is Roofing Direct Mail?

Roofing direct mail is a marketing strategy where roofing businesses mail promotional materials to possible customers. It’s a good way to expand your customer base and reach new customers. Since people can’t unsubscribe from physical mailers as they can from emails, direct mail can effectively stay in touch with potential customers.

This strategy can be especially useful for roofers. Since direct mail allows roofers to target specific areas, roofers can send direct mail to areas with older roofs that need repairs or replacements.

Types of Roofing Direct Mail

There are multiple different types of roofing direct mail materials available for businesses to advertise their products and services. Business owners can focus on one of these direct mail options or invest in several. Let’s take a closer look at a few common direct mail options roofers can use.


Roofing postcards are just that—postcards that provide key details about your roofing business. You can tailor your postcard roofing mailers to different themes or stick to a standardized version.


Don’t worry; you don’t need to start a penpal relationship with future customers. Sending letters is a great way to introduce yourself and your business to recipients. Personalizing your letters and giving homeowners a reason to read them is essential. You don’t want your letter to end up in the trash, so make it interesting!

You can include business cards or another CTA to encourage customers to contact you.


Who doesn’t love to save money on an expensive home project? We’d guess that no one would turn down a discount. Everybody loves coupons! Mailing out coupons to potential customers is a great way to drive engagement with your business. You never know who needs that final push to commit to their roof project.


Brochures are handy tools for educating customers about your services. They can be mailed or given out at in-person events. Brochures should tell your company’s story and lay out the facts.

What should customers know about your business? Why should they choose you for their roof project? How can they reach you? A great roofing brochure should answer these questions and be visually engaging.


Unlike most mailers, which are one-sheets, catalogs provide more in-depth information about your services. You need to give recipients a reason to open your catalog. Make the cover enticing and eye-catching.

Since a catalog has more space, you don’t need to worry about cramming all the information on the front page. Instead, highlight key details on the cover and save the rest for the inside.

You can also include special coupons, discounts, or deals in your catalog. A homeowner thumbing through a catalog at their kitchen table could lead to your next sale!

Roofing Direct Mail Strategy: How to Get Started

Ready to jump into roofing direct mail marketing? It’s easier than you might think! You can create an effective campaign that reaches your target customers at the right time with a few key steps. Here are a few tips to help you get started.

Utilize Templates

If graphic design isn’t your strong suit, no problem! It’s easy to find templates online for postcards, letters, and brochures. Check out these templates we found:

Keep Messaging Clear and Concise

You only have a few seconds to grab the attention of homeowners checking their mail. That’s why keeping your message short and to the point is crucial. Highlight your key services and special offers upfront. You should also include a clear call to action (CTA) that tells readers what to do next.

Target the Right Neighborhoods

Don’t send out roofing direct mail to random addresses. Instead, be strategic and target neighborhoods that need your services. You can target areas with older homes or homes recently impacted by storms.

Follow Up with Retargeting Ads

Roofing direct mail is a great strategy to add to your existing roofing efforts. You can reinforce your messages by supplementing direct mail with other marketing channels. After sending out direct mailers, you can follow up with digital ads or other touchpoints to stay top of mind with potential customers.

Unlock the Power of Direct Mail

Roofing direct mail marketing can be an effective way to reach new potential customers. It’s a tangible and personal method that stands out from the constant flood of digital content many people receive daily.

If you’re ready to take control of your marketing, consider partnering with Roofer Marketers by JobNimbus. Our experienced team of professionals is passionate about helping roofers reach their marketing goals and expand their reach.

Schedule a call today to learn more!

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