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Save Time and Track Your Money with Down Payments

Are you tired of running to the bank to deposit down payment checks? With the new JobNimbus down payments feature, you’ll never have to waste time running to the bank or tracking down paper checks again.

You can look and operate like a pro knowing you can offer secure down payment solutions for your customers, plus automated payment tracking for your team.

In order to take advantage of the new down payments feature, you must be integrated with Global Payments Integrated.

Minimize the work and save time

From your sales rep to the office manager, how many people manage your checks? By collecting down payments digitally through JobNimbus, you can reduce the many touchpoints and the manual work required to collect down payments from your customers.

Rather than hunting down paper checks or driving them to the bank to deposit, the entire process can be done in one workflow in JobNimbus, saving you a ton of time.

Offer your customers security

You can now provide more secure payment options that your customers trust.

Homeowners make digital payments every day, so why not offer them the same convenience with your business? Improve your customer experience and give your customers the simple searchability of digital receipts.

Always know where your money is

Losing paper checks can happen pretty quickly. With digital payments, you’ll always know where your money is and have a more reliable payment collection method.

With digital payments, you can easily track the flow of funds from the customer to a team member with a complete record of the transaction. No need for paper invoices or wasting time tracking down that mystery bank deposit.